
Redevelopment Status Report The City of Temple Terrace, June 2006

Meeting to Discuss Busch Blvd. Upgrades The Tampa Tribune, January 8, 2006

Neal Payton’s Review of Unicorp’s Revised Plan December 8, 2005

Redevelopment Workshop Plan Comparison September 26, 2005

Recommendations on Unicorp and the Town Center Development
SPPRE (Stainback Public Private Real Estate),
July 26, 2005

Mayor Joe Affronti addresses misinformation and half-truths published by opponents of the revitalization referendum. Mayor Affronti’s Speech , July 21, 2005

Deal Points for Negotiation with Developer John Stainback, Consultant, July 21, 2005

Andres Duany: Expand on the Future, August 22, 2002